What is Valuable?

A ram was caught by his horns in a bush. Abraham, the man of faith, was directed by an angel to offer this ram as a sacrifice to God instead of his son, Isaac.

Isaac was so valuable to Abraham. Isaac was a child born from a promise given to Abraham. When God first called Abraham and told him that he would be famous and his descendants would be a great nation, Abraham did not have a son. Isaac was born to his wife Sarah when she was 90 or 91 and he was 100 years of age, 25 years after this call!

Yet God told Abraham to take his son, this beloved and valuable child of promise, and offer him up as a sacrifice. Abraham was obedient, he surrendered his will, and left early the next morning to go to the mountain with his son. When Isaac saw the coals and the wood for the sacrifice, he wanted to know where the lamb for the sacrifice was. Abraham told his son that God would provide the sacrifice.

Abraham Passed the Test

But, it wasn’t until Isaac was tied upon the altar and Abraham had the knife in his hand that the angel of the Lord stopped him! The angel directed Abraham to to ram. It was sacrificed instead of his son. God showed himself trustworthy. Abraham proved he loved God first and was willing to obey Him, no matter what the cost.

God Proved His Love for Mankind

For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so the everyone who believes in him may not die but have eternal life. John 3:16 (GNT)

Abraham did not sacrifice his son, but God did. Only God could truly provide the sacrifice. He provided a ram instead of Abraham’s son, but finally, Jesus was provided by God as a sacrifice to redeem mankind and give his beloved creation the gift of eternal life. Those who believe in Jesus will have life, now and forever.

How Valuable are You?

You are so loved and valuable to God that He gave His son for you. Jesus went to the cross and surrendered His will to God in order to die for you. Then he arose from the grave demonstrating His power over death. Who else do you know that would give his life for you? Who else has the power to give you eternal life? God loves you.

What is Valuable to You?

What is the most valuable thing you could surrender to God? Is it not your will? Let God’s will, not your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. If you haven’t surrendered your will to God’s will, you haven’t yet experienced true freedom. What is true freedom but to be in harmony with your Heavenly Father? How important is it to walk in the knowledge of His love for you?

I want to help you on your journey as you walk with Jesus. You can use the contact page, leave a note in the comments, or call and leave a message at 775 843-5072.

References: God’s call to Abraham, Genesis 12:1-5; Abraham is called to sacrifice Isaac, Genesis 22:1-19

11 thoughts on “What is Valuable?

  1. Teri Chernoff

    when I think about how much I love my sons I realize how much it hurt God to let his Son be murdered ( sacrificed) . He did that so all people could have eternal life by believing in Jesus , how valuable is that !

  2. Janea

    Indeed, Pastor Lula, our Intimacy and Appreciation for the sacrifice of the Lamb is underestimated on our part as humans. We are truly Loved by our Lord as the season of Lent is upon us, may we Revere our God for our very Breath we take in daily.

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