Praying In Sync

The American White Pelicans are gliding together over Pyramid Lake, NV. One pelican’s wings are up and the other’s are down, yet they are beautifully in sync. Two unique individuals fly in harmony even though they are not perfectly alike. Do you see the unity?

In the same way, when we get together with other believers to pray, our prayers do not have to be exactly alike. Actually, we are called to pray a variety of prayers.

And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. Ephesians 6:18 (NIV)

But, we can still be in agreement; we can be in sync.

Agreement will bring about our Heavenly Father’s consent and action!

Jesus said, “whenever two of you on earth agree about anything you pray for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven.” Matthew 18:19 GNT

One person may repent with tears, another may praise with joy and laughter, while another may use an instrument to cry out to God. Did you know that dance inspired by Holy Spirit can be prayer? Poems can be creative prayers of supplication as seen in the Psalms. Drawings and paintings can also express messages that release God’s presence and will. And all this may be done in sync.

Jesus teaches us to pray to our Father in heaven so that His will is done on earth as it is in heaven (see the Lord’s prayer in Matthew 6:9-13). You can find out God’s will by drawing closer to Jesus and learning to hear and follow Holy Spirit, by studying the Bible, and by spending time with other believers. Praying prayers that contradict Biblical teachings are a waste of time.

Can God’s will be hindered?

Why are we taught to pray for God’s will if His will cannot be hindered?

Consider this: it is God’s will that you are forgiven for your sins. But, if you don’t repent and ask in faith believing in Jesus for forgiveness, will God’s will be done in your life?

Oppose those who oppose me, LORD, and fight those who fight against me! Psalm 35:1 GNT

Will you get help against your enemies if you don’t ask for help?

Are there some things that can be changed when you pray

and other things that can’t?

Until it was time for Jesus to be crucified, no man could stop him from his mission. One time a group of people tried to throw him off a cliff, but Jesus walked right through this crowd and escaped. See Luke 4:28-30. A teacher of the Law, Gamaliel, warned the Jewish Council that was questioning the apostles not to fight against God. See Acts 5:29-30. The apostles continued their mission of spreading the gospel.

When you pray in the power of Holy Spirit according to God’s will, you will always be in sync with those who pray in agreement with you. Your prayers will reach heaven and bring God’s will to earth. Allow your creativity to flow when you pray. Pray with artful words crafted into a poem or with a prophetic art piece.  Dance or cry or laugh, as the Spirit leads. The important thing is to connect with God. Prayer can change you and the world around you.

2 thoughts on “Praying In Sync

  1. Tricia Williams

    Hi my name is Tricia and I am from the beautiful island of Trinidad and Tobago in the caribbean. I recently had a dream where I was praying with a member of the deliverance team I am in and we were walking up on a high hill overlooking a town he was leading and as we were praying it was as we were not synchronized in prayer and as I got a lil closer to him he said I need you all come up I need you all to come up as the prayer was sounding like an echo and not sync so I searched was is praying innsync and your page came up and it was very helpful I will be discussing with my group later thank you also I read your statement of faith and I agree with all even though I was vaccinated but my faith is not in the vaccine but in my Lord and savior Jesus Christ. I am a single parent and I work and my work required us to do it I prayed and seek counsel and read Rev.13 and I took it putting my faith in my Heavenly Father.
    Thank you for your post it was very encouraging and I will be reading more of your post thank you and God bless you.

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