The Lightning of God

The Sovereign LORD is coming to rule with power, bringing with him the people he has rescued. Isaiah 40:10

I was given this scripture in a dream 12/30/19. I believe it means that this year, 2020, will be a year of power. God will draw the ones He is rescuing to His church. Jesus is going to build His church. There will be healing, signs and wonders.

How are we to respond to this new move of God?

Moses was a leader like no other. He led an enslaved people out of Egypt with awesome miracles. Yet, after 40 years of wandering, when a new generation was ready to enter the promised land, Moses was not the one who led the people into the land. He made a big mistake. He moved in the power of God when he struck the rock that released the water the people needed to survive in the desert. But, Moses struck the rock in anger 2x’s instead of speaking to the rock. It’s not a good idea to be disrespectful to God when delivering His message.

Moses was supposed to deliver a blessing

to a new generation of people. But, Moses called the people rebels. How could a people move forward into victory after victory if they are viewed as rebels? Victorious armies follow their leaders. These leaders must believe their army is obedient and powerful.

Moses lacked a revelation of the identity of the new generation that was rising up. The slave generation that had built a golden calf died in the desert. This new generation was born free. Their leader needed to look over this people and see a mighty nation ready to obey God and

move forward with courageous hearts.

God chose Joshua, a former slave who had vision from the beginning of the journey.  As a scout forty years earlier he had declared that the giants in the land could be conquered by his mighty God.

Today’s generation needs leaders that will respect God and acknowledge His power.

These leaders must visualize God’s people as without condemnation when they are in unity with Christ. Our conquering Christ transforms the lives of sinners into His saints through the power of Holy Spirit. He gives us a new identity as His own dear children.

We must see beyond former defeat and visualize many new born again believers! Many will be healed from disease, and even some dead will come back to life. We will see God move in power. And we must acknowledge with respect and awe, it is the Sovereign Lord who does this work of revival.

O LORD, I have heard of what you have done, and I am filled with awe. Now do again in our times the great deeds you used to do…His splendor covers the heavens, and the earth is full of his praise. He comes with the brightness of lightning; light flashes from his hand, there where his power is hidden. He sends disease before him and commands death to follow him. Habakkuk 3:2-5.

Dear Heavenly Father, as you begin to move in power and we experience the lightning of God that brings people to a revelation of Jesus and the power of His sacrifice for us, we commit to honor you, in Jesus’ name.

Can I hear an amen?

Scripture quotations are taken from the GOOD NEWS TRANSLATION, SECOND EDITION, Copyright©1992 by American Bible Society. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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